Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lesson 8: Friends For Life

I believe there are three types of friends...

1. The Best Friend-with whom you share all of your personal details about life
2. The Life-Long Friend-who always picks up right where you left off
3. The Mentor Friend-who is a great example and someone in which you can confide

I have friends in all three of these categories. They all are equally special to me...and equally different. I could go all the way back to my 1st grade year and tell stories of how these friends were placed in my life for very specific reasons. To look back and think about all of them is to see how God has used those friendships to help mold me into who I am today. I am grateful for all of them.

These thoughts were sparked on today as I watched Julia play with her best friend, Asher. When we walked in both of the kids began smiling and squealing and throwing their hands in the air. It wouldn't matter if they saw each other 50 different times in a day, they would still greet each other the same way with the same enthusiasm. Wouldn't it be funny if we greeted our friends with that much excitement every time??  :)

It all made me realize how blessed I am for the friends I have had, and am surrounded with now...accepting of me no matter what I bring to the table. I am also grateful for Julia's sweet little friends and their families.

Julia and Asher...her future husband :)

Julia and Grady

Julia and Jessi Cat

Julia and KK

Julia and Merritt

Julia and Sam


Ashleigh-Anne: said...

What a sweet post! There are few things in life more important than good friends! :)

Tami R said...

I love these pics of JuJu and her friends...each one of these little people are so special in their own way. JuJu is very blessed and so is her mommy and daddy to have these special friends....LOVE the blog!!

Cassidy Robinson said...

Love this! But I'm kinda jealous... she already has more friends than I do. hehe. ;)